29TM: Seana Freeman

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Meet Seana Freeman aka the Geeky Glamohemian on Instagram. She discovered her passion for interior design after she bought her house. For the first few years as a new home owner she refrained from doing decorating too much, her home was a new build and it looked beautiful, but it was missing something…paint. So Seana started with her first project, her office space. It wasn’t a primary room in her home, and it the perfect place to start with something bold, she chose fuchsia paint. Once she painted the room she actually felt a shift in her mood. From there Seana developed a fever for color, and her second adventure was with her peacock blue painted room with the gold ceiling. The third project was her room with a deep, dark rich green that almost looks green at first glance. Seana realized these rooms had an energy shift to them from the rest of the house. Now every room in Seana’s house isn’t painted bold colors, she has other neutral color spaces too. She sees her home as a giant canvas to paint and play with, and she’s not afraid to shake things up.

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What Passion Came First For You, Fashion or Interior Design?

It definitely started with fashion. I’m a visually oriented person, and I remember picking out my clothes in junior high to look good at school the next day. I have a real casual and relaxed look, but I absolutely know how to dress to the nine when I want to. For me clouting and interior design definitely have a lot of overlap. They both play with scale, texture, and shapes. I feel like I dress with the same principles that I apply to interior design in my home.

What Does Black History Month Mean To You This Year?

I feel like as I get older, I see more and more value in why we celebrate this month. Black history is intertwined with American history, and this is a time to put on a spotlight on our achievements. I also think we create an energy around celebrating one another. It’s important to reflect on the contributions of our ancestors, because they have made tremendous change in this country and the world.

What Is On Trend For You In 2020?

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I think in general I have a collector’s mind set. When I was a little girl it was rocks, then as I got older it was clothes, and now I collect pieces for my home. I feel like this year I’m working hard to collect all of the different threads that I am interested in and turn them into one passion. I’m passionate about interior design, leadership development, and creating opportunities for black people to achieve their greatness. I believe there is a way for all of these things to intersect and to create a beautiful life. For me, it’s about representing your authentic self, and helping others to find value on what’s on the inside versus what’s on the surface. Lastly, I want to help adults get back to creativity. I know there is a connection in being your authentic self and being creative.

To Learn More About Seana Visit:
