#28TM: Celeste Alexander

Celeste Alexander is from Newport, Rhode Island and  resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She has over 25 years of experience as an interior designer, and is the publisher of Curated Quarters Magazine that features Black interior designers, decorators, and creatives.


The mission of the magazine is to celebrate the heritage and history of the often-underrepresented African American design community, and their unique contributions to style and home décor. I believe the contributions of African American designers have been overlooked for years in a niche industry that often celebrates the influences from everywhere but Africa, and/or continents with people of color. Residential design has historically relied heavily on colonial and provincial influences associated with France, Italy and England. Due to the cultural differences of the African American experience many of our contributions have been overlooked by the mainstream interior design community. Curated quarters will provide an educational and historic look at the journey of African Americans and other people of color in the space called home.


What Does Black History Month Mean To You This Year?

This year for me it means a reflection of how far we have come from slave cabins to living in beautiful homes despite the efforts to disregard our neighborhoods. I look at all the young designers living out their passion creating beautiful spaces. Instagram is trending heavily and has given a rise to the African American designer to showcase and promote their talents. I'm still learning my way around IG, but most magazines do not want to publish photos that have already been seen every where so it could be a disservice. I feel like social media allows designers of color to share their portfolio of work in one place.


Where Are You Finding Inspiration To Create This Year?

I recently took a trip to Santorini Greece so I'm inspired by the brightness of royal blue. I find that when I travel, I'm inspired to bring culture and heritage back to the home.

To Learn More About Celeste Visit:

Website: curatedquartersmag.com

Instagram: @curatedquartesmag