Bailey Li is a Decorative Artist, Interior Decorator/Designer and Curator of insanely stylish spaces. Bailey has a background in fashion, real estate and radio. She discovered her passion for decorating homes while working as a successful Real Estate agent in 2003. Drawn to the Architecture & character of the homes in the Historical districts of South Orange and Maplewood New Jersey she began providing Home Staging services to homeowners that were looking to sell. In order to appeal to the influx of professionals from NYC she mastered the skill of combining antique /rare vintage pieces with modern colors, elements & textures. This resulted in stylishly blended interiors that made the homes sell almost immediately. Naturally once their homes sold, her clients were calling her to decorate their new homes. She realized she had a gift, a natural talent to create spaces that made the inhabitants feel amazing. She began to focus more on decorating and designing than home staging. It was then that she was able to truly express her full creative vision & watch it translate into stunning environments. She is known for her ability to select unique antique/vintage pieces & combine them with artistic and modern elements resulting in beautiful, functional, original spaces.
Bailey also has a live /work artist studio /showroom located in the Firehouse Art Gallery in the Valley Arts district of Orange New Jersey. Her designs have been mentioned in, featured on Designerlebrity & seen in Ebony magazine. Bailey was interviewed on PBS’s show “A state of the Arts” and filmed for NBC’s Open House NYC. Bailey also designs one-of-a-kind home furnishings, hand made decor, and she personally hand paints walls, floors and furniture for some of her projects. Bailey's antique graffiti chairs and other customized furniture installations have been featured in art exhibits.
What Does Black History Month Mean To You This Year?
As I reflect back on my childhood, Black History meant much more to me than I was aware of at the time. Born in Newark, NJ to a Puerto Rican mother and a Black father, they were heavily influenced by the era in which they grew up—a time of drugs, riots, segregation, and war that unfortunately caused them to become products of their environment. I realize now that despite my circumstances, we have a history rich in beauty, intellect, talent, strength, and perseverance. The mere fact that I was able to seek out and identify with certain powerful artists, creatives, and writers, allowed me not to place limits on my dreams while solidifying my identity as a Black woman. It’s up to me/us to continue to create a history that will strengthen and inspire our youth. Black History should be acknowledged and celebrated on an ongoing basis—not just 28 days.
Where Are You Finding Inspiration To Design This Year?
Growing up without the consistent presence of my parents, I felt very disconnected from my place in the world. It was a challenge to feel loved and nurtured at home. The moment I realized certain things in life had the ability to take my breath away and give me glimpses of happiness, I was intrigued. I first discovered poetry as a child when I began organizing my aunt’s books. I wanted to create an aesthetically pleasing environment by organizing them on her bookshelf but Soon I began to absorb the influence of those that lined the shelves. Phyllis Wheatley, Langston Hughes, Sonia Sanchez, and Nikki Giovanni were some of the greats that connected me to my passion and creativity. These and many other black artists allowed me to recognize how beauty can lie within the unexpected and overlooked. I take this philosophy with me when designing for my clients. The momentary high I experience when I witness the energy of color, the excitement of lines, the movement of space—even when it is seemingly at a standstill is what inspires me. For me Design is poetry; it is a means of expression, an opportunity to tell the story of the client, of those before us and to create a new, personalized story. I am constantly inspired by the past and simultaneously inspired by the current.
To Learn More About Bailey Visit:
- Website:
- Instagram: interiorista_baileyli
Bailey Li's son painting his self portrait
Completed work of his self portrait