Ashley Mason-Greene is a publicist in Washington DC who specializes in hospitality, food, beverage, retail, consumer and entertainment industries. She has made it her duty to eat and seek her way through the city (and any other city she visits) and can often be found brunching, discovering and uncovering on weekends. During the week, she’s more low key, probably with her nose in a book, scrolling through social media or en route to a spin class once she clocks out. After visiting Paris, London and South of France in the summer of 2015, she’s also often dreaming of her next travel destination.
What Does Black History Month Mean To You This Year?
I'm from a small town in Kentucky and I attended a historically black church that always celebrated Black History Month throughout the entire month. The church elders made sure we knew who we were and where we came from. Now that I've moved away, I always use the "extra marketing push" to educate others and continue to educate myself on the accomplishments of black people all around the world. It means so much to me to be a part of such a beautiful, intelligent, influential and amazing legacy.